Boiled eggs have fallen on hard times – they have been named the most old-fashioned item to appear in a pupil’s lunchbox.

Four in 10 parents gave the handy snack the thumbs down while jam sandwiches also came to a sticky end, voted down by 36 percent of those questioned.

Wraps (52 percent), breadsticks (35 percent) and health bars (33 percent) are now the most popular items, and 89% of mums and dads insist their child has a better-quality lunch than they ever did.

But there was no room for traditional favourites white rolls and processed cheese triangles.

Even a simple apple was considered outdated by 17 percent of the parents surveyed by Amazon Grocery to mark Amazon’s 25th anniversary.

READ MORE Fury at TikTok ‘egg challenge’ where parents crack them on crying kids’ heads

Two-thirds (65 percent) said providing a healthy lunch was the main objective when they picked food for their children’s school snack, and half admitted to having felt embarrassed if they packed chocolate bars and crisps.

One in three put their hands up to having peeked in another family’s lunchbox to check out its contents – and 26 percent often post a photo of their lunchbox choices on social media.

But their homework doesn’t always go down well – 36 percent of pupils have taken their lunch back uneaten, and two-thirds said that the food was boring.

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