Oreo cheesecake cookie recipe detailed by expert

Cheesecakes make for a fantastic dessert or as an alternative to birthday cake because they are easy to make but deliver lots of flavour. 

Of course, this recipe from Mary Berry is no exception and the baking legend says it’s one of the “simplest desserts” to make from her book Cook Up a Feast.

It takes five minutes to prepare and only 10 minutes to make the cheesecake. 

Mary claimed that this “heavenly” cheesecake is a “favourite pudding” of hers she made and that it goes down “like lightning” with guests.

Before getting into the recipe, a 20cm (eight-inch) round loose-bottomed cake tin will need to be greased and base-lined with baking parchment to prepare the cheesecake.

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100g (3 ½ oz) ginger biscuits, crushed

50g (1 ¾ oz) butter, melted

Two 250g tubs mascarpone

325g jar luxury lemon curd

Juice of one small lemon

Fresh raspberries and blueberries, to decorate

Icing sugar, to dust


1. Mix the biscuits with the butter in a bowl, then press into the base of the tin (but not up the sides).

To crush the biscuits, Mary recommends placing the biscuits in a large, clear plastic bag. 

Lay the bag on a flat surface and firmly run a rolling pin back and forth over the biscuits. 

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You will soon see the biscuits break into smaller crumbs. Shake the bag occasionally to bring the large pieces to the surface. 

2. Put the mascarpone, lemon curd, and lemon juice in a bowl and beat with a spatula until smooth.

3. Spoon the mixture on to the biscuit base and level the top. Chill in the fridge for at least four hours and up to 24 hours to firm up.

4. To serve, remove the cheesecake from the tin, peel off the baking parchment, and arrange on a platter. Decorate with the fruit and dust with icing sugar.

The cheesecake can be made up to the end of step three up to one day ahead. This cheesecake is not suitable for freezing.

Three cheesecakes can be made in one go, but take care not to overbeat the mixture at step two. 

For those making more than three cheesecakes, they should prepare them in separate batches.

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