Now that winter is approaching, many people are looking for cheap and cheerful dinners to fill them up and get warm as the weather is getting colder.

Gordon Ramsay’s spicy sausage rice is the perfect “filling winter warmer” according to the chef, who has said that not only is this recipe “delicious and economical” but “super easy” to make and packed with flavour.

In a video online, Gordon said: “Whatever you are cooking, the secret to making great food is to ensure you lock in every last ounce of flavour in that pan. This spicy sausage rice does exactly that..”

This recipe is made with simple ingredients and can last you a few days. In his own video on the dinner, Gordon Ramsay uses La Chinata smoked paprika which can be bought on Amazon, but any supermarket smoked paprika is fine to use.

The recipe also calls for spicy sausages, which can be bought from certain supermarkets such as Sainsbury, which sells Firecracker Pork Sausages and Asda sells Extra Special Pork and Three Chili sausages. However, Gordon has said you can use any type of sausage you like for this recipe and can even use chorizo instead.


  • Five spicy sausages
  • Four finely sliced spring onions
  • 500ml of Chicken stock
  • Two chopped tomatoes
  • One chopped red onion
  • One chopped red pepper
  • Two crushed garlic cloves
  • 200g of long-grain rice
  • Half a glass of white whine
  • Smoked paprika
  • Parsley
  • Olive oil for frying


Kitchen equipment:

  • Pot
  • Heatproof casserole dish or large frying pan

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To begin, turn on the stove, add water to a pot, and cook your rice. Follow the instructions on the packet but it should cook in around 20 minutes.

Slit your sausage skins and roll the sausage meat into balls so they resemble small meatballs. Set aside on a plate for now.

Add your red onions to your heatproof pan and fry for around five to six minutes until they begin to caramelize.

Add in your pepper and garlic cloves and turn up the heat to cook for a few minutes. Make sure to keep stirring and moving the vegetables around so they do not burn.

Keep the stove heat to high and add in your sausage meatballs. Keep stirring and moving the ingredients around, and cook the sausages for around four to five minutes until they begin to go golden brown in color.

Add in your smoked paprika and season to taste. Deglaze your pan with the white wine and give the spicy sausage mixture to make sure all the ingredients are incorporated. Make sure to scrap the bottom of the pan to get any bits stuck at the bottom.

Add the chicken stock, parsley, spring onions and tomatoes. Bring the mixture to a boil and then lower the heat to being it to a shimmer.

Continue to cook on a low heat for around 15 to 20 minutes until your vegetables are tender and all the liquid has almost absorbed. Make sure to pay attention to the mixture and occasionally give it a stir to make sure it does to burn.

Add your rice and your easily made yet flavourful sausage rice should now be ready to be served.

This is a good dinner recipe to use as leftovers, but do not add rice to any container if you wish to store your spicy sausage sauce in the fridge to eat later. Rice should always as served fresh after being cooked as it can potentially cause food poisoning if reheated. 

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