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Jamie Oliver’s quick and easy tomato soup recipe is a ‘little bit of sunshine’ – ready in just 15 minutes.

As the weather gets colder, it’s time to swap out salads for warming soups, and Jamie’s recipe is perfect for a tasty lunch.

With temperatures dropping, it’s time to put away the salad bowls and bring out the blender.

If you’re after a delicious meal without spending hours cooking, Jamie Oliver’s speedy soup recipe is just what you need.

“I wanted to bring a little bit of sunshine back to Essex today and make a lovely Mexican soup”, Jamie shared on his YouTube channel.

Read more: Jamie Oliver enjoys this simple chicken broth recipe when he’s got flu

He started by chopping spring onions “roughly” and heating some olive oil in a pan. He then added coriander stalks, saving the leaves for garnish later.

Next, he added four cloves of garlic, using a garlic press with the skins still on before adding them to the pan.

If you don’t have a garlic press, you can crush the garlic with the side of a knife before chopping, according to the Daily Record.

Jamie shared: “A brilliant trick for a really sun-bushed flavour is these [blackened, roaster peppers]. Add 450g, just chuck the whole thing in.”

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He then suggested adding two tins of chopped tomatoes and about 800ml of boiling water to the pan and turning up the heat. Don’t forget to season with some salt and pepper.

Next, Jamie revealed: “I have another little trick, 80g of rice. When you liquidise that up it’s going to go starchy and creamy. There you go, all of that, lid on. Soup is done and I can guarantee you it’ll be delicious.”

Jamie then moved on to the side dish to accompany his yummy soup. He prepared green and red chillis, spring onions, and feta cheese which he “crumbled up in a little pile.”

The TV chef also included the coriander leaves from earlier and a few halved cherry tomatoes to make a side salad.

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He then grabbed some tortilla chips, sprinkled cheese on top, and scattered over the remaining red and green chillis.

The chef advised viewers to put the tortillas in the oven for three or four minutes.

Then, it’s time for a “fragrant, flavoured yoghurt” to drizzle in. He said: “Add 250ml of yoghurt, 0 percent fat, and mint. That goes straight in. I want two heaped teaspoons of these jalapenos and we’re just going to liquidise this all up so it is like a green, green sauce.”

Finally, turn your attention back to your soup, blend to your taste, before seasoning it with lime to add “brightness.”

Once your tortillas are out of the oven, drizzle some yoghurt over your soup. The end result is a tantalising dish that perfectly balances sweet and spicy flavours. Now all you have to do is dig in.

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