When it comes to food on the go, are you an “Anything Goes Andy”, or a “Picky Pat”? If hunger strikes, will anything fill the void, or are you more particular in your preferences? This quiz will tell you where you fall on the munch-o-meter.

It comes as a study found almost a third would never leave the house without an “emergency snack” – with a classic packet of crisps still the top food Brits eat on the go.

Half (49 percent) have been hit with hunger pangs when out and about, only to find they had nothing to fill the void.

As such, 18 percent always like to have a handful of nuts on them in case of a hunger emergency, while more than one in ten (13 percent) would opt for a wrapped pastry.

The poll, of 2,000 adults, found half wouldn’t dream of departing without at least two bites-to-eat in tow – with not eating breakfast at home being one of the top reasons people secure something tasty for later.

A spokesman for La Boulangère, which commissioned the study, said: “Nobody wants to be caught short in a hunger storm.

“Having something on hand in case you get peckish is a very good idea – so having longer-lasting, indulgent edibles in the cupboard is wise for when you might be eating on the go.

“But more short-term consumables are also really great for a small bite to eat, like a piece of fruit.”

The study, via OnePoll, also revealed first thing in the morning, and mid-afternoon, are the times when a stashed morsel is most appreciated.

Of those polled, parents were more likely to pack some emergency food when they’re on the move (42 percent), than those without children (14 percent) – with 74 percent still finding it useful to hold nibbles in their bag for their hungry teenagers.

But 45 percent of them said they often pack some snacks in their bag “for later”, whether they’re with family or not – with 68 percent saying contingency planning, when it comes to food on the go, is a parenting tactic they’ll keep for life.

For 46 percent, breakfast helps to pave a good day ahead, as 44 percent feel it’s the best way to start off on the right foot.

Three in ten say they love a variety of brekkie options they can tuck into each morning, with 42 percent enjoying a bowl of cereal or granola for fuel on a weekday.

And toast (38 percent), coffee and tea (68 percent), or fruit (24 percent), are also on the menu for a morning pick-me-up.

The forbidden rule of dipping breakfast pastries into drinks is gospel for 43 percent – although 23 percent believe enhancing the dunking experience is fine for a moment of indulgence.

Exactly two-thirds find it typically costs less if they plan and prep their food for when they’re on the go, while 37 percent say it prevents them hurriedly buying something they don’t really like.

And a quarter put food in their bag for later because they might miss breakfast, and want to enjoy the choice they’ve grabbed to eat while on the move.

La Boulangère’s spokesman added: “What we choose to chew on says a lot about our personalities. Some of us like to be well prepared, especially when it comes to that first food of the day.

“Whether it’s stored away in a cupboard or squirrelled away in your day bag, an all-butter croissant, or melt-in-the-mouth pain-au-chocolat, pretty much has breakfast written all over it.

“Of course, if you miss breakfast, you’ll need something a little later for a boost – but just because you’re in a rush, doesn’t mean you can’t indulge yourself with something really tasty.

“Either way, with a bit of planning, that first meal of the day doesn’t have to be a compromise. But, as we all know, even with the biggest breakfast in the world, the need for a little extra something can strike at any time.”

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